✨Reconnecting to Your Inner Light in Peru✨

September 20 – 27, 2025
With Dr. Marie Rodriguez

Join Dr. Marie on an unforgettable experience in Peru! This is a 7-day journey of sacred illumination, an odyssey through the captivating Sacred Valley culminating at the mystical grandeur of Machu Picchu. The experiences are curated to melt open your heart so you can live more consciously attuned to your authentic self.

Whether you’re a seasoned spiritual practitioner or are just beginning to dip your toes into spiritual terrain, embarking on a trip to Peru is a must do experience!

Peru’s rich tapestry of ancient civilizations, mystical landscapes, and sacred sites offers an unparalleled opportunity for expansion and transformation.


  • Learning sacred Incan cosmology at the very ancient ruins encoded with their energy
  • Burning your fears in an Andean fire ceremony with an authentic Paqo (Peruvian Shaman)
  • Being guided on shamanic journeys to retrieve lost power
  • Soaking in a solar heated, floral bath under the stars
  • Eating lovingly prepared, gourmet, farm-to-table cuisine
  • Being supported by the sacred container of an allyu (community)

In a modern society that values the material over the spiritual, it’s easy for us to lose connection with our inner light. With all the demands of a culture that is out of ayni (reciprocity) with our planet, we begin to live by the to-do list, stuck in our heads.

This transformative journey is curated to catalyze profound inner illumination. Together, we’ll release defenses, dissolve stagnant energy blocks, and reconnect to our hearts. We’ll gain greater awareness of our shadows so we can embrace conscious living – prioritizing our spirituality and inner growth.

This is your opportunity to connect powerfully with your intuition, reclaim your spiritual path, and rediscover your higher self. 

This isn’t just a trip; it’s an opportunity to answer your soul’s calling and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment. (Check out the itinerary!)

We will stay at Willka T’ika – Peru’s original wellness center nestled between Cusco and Machu Picchu. This luxurious sanctuary is known for their sacred chakra gardens, organic farm-to-table food, sightseeing and ceremonies they create for us.

Tell me. Is this you?

  • Machu Picchu is on your bucket list – you’ve been holding out for an authentic experience with reputable guides and healers
  • You need a serious reset – it’s impossible to maintain a regulated nervous system in today’s warp speed society 
  • You’re curious about Peruvian shamanism and how it can support your spiritual growth
  • You’re healing from trauma and/or doing deep inner work and need a safe, sacred container for powerful transformation
  • You need support to release old protective mechanisms (aka energy blocks) that don’t serve you
  • You hold space for so many and it’s high time you refilled your cup!
  • You crave connection with like minds because it catalyzes your growth

If you nodded yes to 3 of these ideas, then Sacred Illumination in Peru is for you!

Did you know?

We all carry deeply embedded memories of ancestors who lived divinely aligned with Pachamama (Mother Earth). They embodied their full human potential. 

Visiting sacred sites can awaken the dormant DNA that houses these memories. It raises our frequency, so that living aligned with our Higher Self (that part of us that never separates from Creator/God/Universe) becomes second nature. 

THIS is the recipe for living in alignment with your Soul’s potential (and breaking free from the material matrix)! 

Are you ready to break free?

There’s a place inside of you that innately knows the deepest expression of your soul. 

The fast paced, tech driven world creates SO much interference that it’s become more and more difficult to hear our soul’s calling. 

We all require safety, stillness, and sacred surroundings, along with the supportive presence of a community, to open our hearts, rekindle our intuition, and learn to trust it.

We are, after all, spiritual beings having a human experience and sacred pilgrimage helps us to remember our luminosity. Visiting sacred sites aligns us with our spiritual nature so we can begin to walk our path the way our luminous ancestors once did.

Precious time away from the everyday strengthens our energy field and enables us to do a chunk of inner work that’s impossible with all that we juggle daily.

Add in the potent energy of sacred sites and our intentions get upleveled 1,000 fold. 

Join us for an unforgettable adventure! One that will plant sacred, luminous seeds within us that will last a lifetime – germinating and nurturing a transformation perfectly suited to our soul’s journey.


Photo of Apu Tika in Peru

Willka T’ika’s stunning location and mindful accommodations provide an energizing, nourishing environment for gatherings that focus on learning, creativity, contemplation, and rejuvenation.

The Quechua name “Willka T’ika” means sacred flower.

Since its founding in 1995, Willka T’ika has held fast to sustainable practices, ranging from environmental conservation to community engagement and social impact.


Food - Willka Ti'ka

Willka T’ika has the only 100% hormone-free and chemical-free gourmet vegetarian hotel kitchen in Peru’s Sacred Valley. We’ll indulge in organic, vegetarian farm-to-table cuisine prepared with love by Quechua staff. Chefs thoughtfully craft meals with protein-rich Andean grains and legumes. Organic freshly harvested vegetables are grown on site.  Special dietary requests can be accommodated. (For those requiring additional animal protein, we’ll have opportunities for meals on excursions and on trips into town). Filtered water is available 24/7 in the dining room, and bottled water is available for purchase.


  • Feel lighter, clearer, optimistic and more aligned 
  • Be centered in heart consciousness
  • Love yourself more
  • Be more connected to Pachamama
  • Have an appreciation for Peruvian culture and spirituality – a connection that lasts a lifetime
  • Have transformative energy healing practices at your disposal
  • Feel re-inspired to pursue the passionate calling of your Soul


  • All scheduled group travel
  • All excursions exploring sites of the Sacred Valley
  • Machu Picchu entry
  • Beautiful accommodations
  • Lovingly prepared farm-to-table meals
  • Professional guides dedicated to our group
  • Safe and potent container to support your personal growth
  • Despacho ceremony
  • Andean Fire ceremony
  • Teachings about Andean cosmology
  • Energy practices to last a lifetime
  • Guided healing meditations
  • Guided shamanic journeys and sound healing


  • Airfare and separate airport transfers 
  • Tips for our guide and Willka T’ika staff
  • Personal taxi to Urubamba during free time 
  • Individual drop offs and pickups outside allotted schedule 
  • Incidentals, additional bottled beverages
  • Meals at Machu Picchu
  • Laundry and spa services
  • Off site meals as noted on itinerary
  • Personal ceremonies and readings


All rooms offer garden access with scenic views of flowers, trees, and mountains. They feature portable heating, modern private bathrooms with walk-in showers and reliable hot water. The sustainable guest rooms reflect Andean textures and colors, with cozy garden rooms recently renovated and nestled in charming garden spots. Each uniquely designed guest room is named after a local Andean medicinal plant. Fresh flowers greet guests, and cozy hot-water bottles ensure warmth at night.

Luxury rooms are crafted with natural earth materials and adorned with local artwork, integrating spaciousness and Feng Shui principles to maximize mountain and garden vistas.


Garden Single – $3,799*

Peru Garden Single


Luxury Single – $5,199*

Peru Garden Double

*Please email if interested in a single room, double occupancy rate.

Garden Double – $3,399

Peru Garden Double

Luxury Double – $4,799

Peru Luxury Double

Garden Triple – – $2,999

Peru Garden Triple

Luxury Triple – $4,199

Peru Luxury Triple



  • $200 discount when a deposit is made before 3/1/2025
  • $200 discount and a free virtual Munay Ki energy transmission series with payment in full by 3/1/2025
  • 1 month of the Full Moon Journey membership with Dr. Marie so you can honor your soul’s calling when you get home

Cost to register: 30% at time of registration. Remainder will be billed on July 1, 2025. You may also opt to pay in full now.

Refunds: A full refund* of the remaining balance minus  $750 Willka Tika fee is available up to 60 days before the retreat start date (July 22, 2025).

* All refunds requested will be subjected to a processing fee of 3% of the amount requested so that the actual refund is less than the original amount processed. These represent non-recoverable fees that we are not able to control.

Cancellation Policy

Dr Marie Rodriguez photo in front of a painting


Dr. Marie deeply believes in the body’s innate capacity to heal from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual disharmony and is passionate about helping others gain access to their own healing power. 

Dr. Marie has been in naturopathic medicine practice since 2002, and has over 20 years experience as a craniosacral practitioner.

As a fervent seeker and forever student, Dr. Marie’s personal healing journey inspired her to study a myriad of energetic healing modalities. She has extensive shamanic training, has been a long-time meditation practitioner, is a family constellation facilitator and is also certified in past life regression.

Dr. Marie recognizes that the physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual aspects of our human experience are all highly intertwined.  She skillfully weaves the contents of her eclectic medicine bag to support people wherever they are on their own healing journey.


Marie creates a safe place to be truly vulnerable with each other. I loved the pacing of our retreat. There was deep work, dance, morning and evening… slow paced lunch and relaxation time to help reflect and integrate on the work. The amazing food was an incredible bonus! 

I had a lot of fears regarding my body, a lot of health anxiety, depression. I had a lot of anxiety about work and my place in life. My life has drastically changed — there are wisdoms and practices I learned there that have now become integrated into my daily life, and each day has bloomed because of it.


Even though it was just a one week period, I received a lot of awareness and messages. Before the retreat, I had difficulty feeling connected although my mind knew I was surrounded by the love of people, nature, and the universe. During the retreat, I learned how I feel when I am connected. All I needed to do was to yield and accept it.


Groundbreaking treatment. I did a shamanic healing session with her and then followed up with a phone consultation. We worked on healing very deep wounds and clearing past life stuff. I didn’t feel any improvement immediately. But the day after, I can literally sense a drastic shift in my “energy field”: it’s as if my body’s software system has been reprogrammed, and even “upgraded”: I experience a deep sense of relaxation. I am less driven by fear and feel rooted in my own power. I am very satisfied with her services.

— N.R.


How do I get to Cusco?

Peru is currently a very popular travel destination and we advise booking early for international and domestic flights. Book your flight to Lima, the capital of Peru. The airport code is LIM. Depending on the arrival time of your international flight into Lima, (many are night flights from the U.S./Canada arriving in Lima late evening or early morning), you may have to spend the night in Lima. Many US airlines, Copa Air, LATAM Airlines and Avianca Airlines fly into Lima.

Allow about three hours in between your international and domestic flights to pass through immigration, transfer, and in case of delays.

Take a domestic flight from Lima to Cusco. The airport code is CUZ. Flight time from Lima to Cusco is one hour. It is recommended to book these domestic flights in the morning as weather conditions are typically better and there is less chance of flight delay or cancellation.

A valid passport is required for all foreign visitors to Peru. An entry visa is not required for American or Canadian nationals. Please inquire with the nearest Peruvian consulate for entry requirements for other nationalities

Can I drink the water in Peru?

Drink only boiled, bottled, or filtered water. Willka T’ika offers drinking water filtered with the internationally recognized “Sawyer filter” 24/7 in the Dining Area. Willka T’ika also sells large bottles of water along with other beverages. Plastic water bottles are not recycled in Peru. Help save countless water bottles from littering Peru’s countryside by bringing and using your own water bottle to refill with filtered water, preferably the type that are most hygienic—wide-mouthed and stainless

What kind of meals will be served at the retreat center?

Willka T’ika has the only 100% hormone-free and chemical-free gourmet vegetarian hotel kitchen in Peru’s Sacred Valley. Our gardens are strictly organic.

Start the day with a cup of freshly harvested herbal tea or fresh roasted Quillabamba coffee, grown on our staff’s family farms.

Breakfast is buffet style and includes breads from a local oven, omelets, homemade muesli using kiwicha and other Andean grains, and sliced fruits and avocados from the subtropical Machu Picchu area.

Dinner includes a hearty soup, freshly harvested salad, and gourmet vegetarian entrees with steamed vegetables. Most meals include quinoa and kiwicha, the grain that gave Incan warriors strength, or tarwi, an Andean legume containing more protein than red meat.

Lunch will vary, and you shouldn’t be disappointed.

What if I get altitude sickness?

Few tourists get altitude sickness. Your body will acclimate if you rest, drink water and specific herbal teas for a few hours. If you are having difficulties, please speak to your guide. In common pharmacies, coramina (glucose lozenge) and sorroche (altitude) tablets can be purchased over the counter. They contain aspirin, tylenol and caffeine to bring fast release from a headache or nausea. Doctors prescribe electrolytes to rehydrate guests. For emergency situations, hotels & Willka T’ika carry oxygen tanks. There are clinics with basic treatment in Urubamba and Cusco. Diamox is designed for high-mountain trekking. Not all people need or respond well to this popular sulfa-based prescription drug.

Do I need to change money?

Not all tourist shops and restaurants accept credit cards. For Peruvian soles, we suggest you wait until you arrive in Cusco or Urubamba to exchange money in reputable exchange agencies or withdraw from an ATM.

Peruvians won’t accept any bills that are torn or very worn. Please bring only crisp, new bills for shopping or tipping. US dollars are accepted at Willka T’ika but most places and people will prefer Peruvian Soles. Credit cards can be used at Willka T’ika or at tourist stores or hotels. You can withdraw cash at the ATM machine in the airport or upon arrival in Urubamba. Just ask the taxi to stop at the “BCP” bank.

Is there WiFi? (pronounced we fee)

Willka T’ika has a separate WiFi area for those who have to work. Willka T’ika was voted “Best Digital Detox Retreat” in 2022 partly because we keep the gadgets confined to one area. Feel free to sit in the WiFi Wasi or the surrounding social space gardens to use your electronic devices. Please refrain from bringing these devices into the reception, bar and dining areas or near guests relaxing in the gardens.

What are the social and ethical expectations for this event?

Retreat participants are required to honor the rules set forth by Willka T’ika. Participants are expected to exhibit respect toward the locals and their cultural traditions. This retreat includes several Andean spiritual ceremonies which require multicultural sensitivity and reverence. Willka T’ika ensures a wellness-focused environment which means visitors must respect communal spaces, digital usage restrictions, and vegetarian meals.

What if I want to opt out of yoga or another activity?

This is your experience! You’re not required to participate in activities that you are not comfortable with or you may just need a break from ‘doing’. Skipping classes, taking free time, declining off site excursions, or booking your own alternative activities on your own is completely acceptable. Please keep in mind that refunds/credits will not be given for missed activities/meals/etc., and any costs incurred during free time is your responsibility.

I’m a carnivore, how will I survive with only vegetarian meals?

Willka T’ika offers organic, protein-rich Andean superfoods such as tarwi, quinoa, amaranth, and complements with local beans and eggs. However, if you have dietary needs beyond vegetarian and gluten free, please bring your own supplements, powders, and pastes. Peru has few health stores that carry special dietary products, pastes, and flours easily found overseas. Bring snacks for walks to Incan sites. Picnic lunches may also be ordered for $10/person.

Can I do laundry?

Willka T’ika has a laundry service that usually turns around in 24 hours. Unfortunately, they do not have a laundry machine that guests can use. Please put any dirty laundry in the designated bag in the room and complete the itemized list. For immediate attention, drop the bag off at the office on your way out.

Do I need a converter for the outlets?

Peru uses 220 volts which means you should not bring hair dryers, shavers, or other appliances from the US. Laptops and phones generally have built in converters and can be charged without a problem.

What is the best way to communicate with my loved ones back home?

Most cell phone carriers have a roaming plan that you can pre-order for around $10/day. We recommend having a WhatsApp Account since most of Peru lives and breathes via WhatsApp. This will be the best way if not the only way to communicate with your guide, taxi driver, restaurant, or yoga teacher.

What is the cancellation policy?

Click here for the details.

Is this retreat right for me?

If you’re not sure if this type of travel is right for you, email Dr. Marie at and I’d be happy to have a conversation about any concerns you may have.

If thinking about visiting Peru with us gives you a little tingly feeling, you have 3 options to consider:

  1. Set up a Retreat Call to get answers to your questions or concerns.
  2. If you know in your heart, this is a YES, click here to sign up with a non-refundable $750 deposit.
  3. If you need more time to think about it, click here to receive email updates. You’ll be added to a list of retreat participants and people seriously interested in a once-in-a-lifetime journey to Peru.

Together, we’ll walk on new ground where infinite possibilities come alive.
