Winter Solstice Shamanic Sound Journey

In ancient times, Shaman lived intimately connected and completely in sync with natural forces. Their connection to the Earth enabled them to facilitate powerful spiritual healing and to keep a community safe.  While traditional shamanism is not practiced in a modern urban culture, we can draw from these important timeless principles.  Now more than ever, it’s time to return to a way of being that respects Nature.

This Winter Solstice, you will have an opportunity to experience the altered states of consciousness associated with shamanism.  Allow Marie and Liz to guide you on a shamanic sound journey for restoration and release of all that you do not wish to bring into the new year.

The healing sounds of shamanic drums, rattles, bells, chimes, rain sticks and quartz and metal singing bowls will support you in letting go of daily reality to journey to higher states of consciousness – the place where answers are revealed, insights are retrieved and spontaneous healing happens.  In this sound journey you will access universal support, become deeply relaxed and most importantly, re-connect you with your highest Self – that part of you that’s eternally connected to universal wisdom and knows exactly what you need in any given moment.

Join us Thursday December 21st

from 6:00-7:30 pm

At the Teal Center– 4001 9th St N, Arlington

Marie and Liz are both trained in shamanic practice and have received special instruction in shamanic sound healing under Sound Healer Ann Hughes.  They have received specialized training in drum beats and have hand crafted many of their own instruments.

Marie recognizes that the physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of our human experience are all highly intertwined.  Her own healing path led her to study a myriad of energy healing modalities.  She skillfully weaves the contents of her eclectic medicine bag to support people wherever they are on their own healing journey.

Liz is a psychotherapist by trade and incorporates healing modalities into her work such as reiki and sound healing.  She believes in the innate ability of all to heal and promotes peace through her healing sessions.

December 21, 2023 6:00 PM - December 21, 2023 7:30 PM
Teal Center
4001 9th St. N
Arlington, Virginia United States