You have my permission to tune out all of the ambitious goal setting noise for the new year. Even I wanted to write to you closer to January 1st and I’m glad I didn’t force it.

Yesterday’s glorious surprise snowfall gifted me a more spacious day with an inspiring view from which to write this ❄️I think my mantra for 2022 will be …

More flow.
Less force.

SO if you feel ANY pressure around the New Year, may this “late” outreach dissolve that away now! I think this snowfall gave those of us in the DC metro area a longer pause.

Do you create intentions or a ‘word’ for the New Year? There’s no right or wrong way. Just a friendly reminder that we are in the dead of winter so it is still a time for resting and replenishing. Winter is the season our energy renews itself, and when we reinforce this through rest, THEN we can build better momentum on our intentions come Spring.

I take my time entering the New Year. I am noticing things feel lighter at the moment and I am enjoying that. Here are 5 ways to navigate 2022 with ease:

1) Continue to make your wellness a priority

We know the drill from the last 2 years – it’s taking more energy to do things, isn’t it? Tending to your physical and emotional well being will continue to be absolutely necessary to build resilience and bounce back.

Pay attention to new physical signs – I’ve been noticing increased hair loss – I read an article recently that this phenomenon is on a rise – so I am upping my minerals and have added in a new thyroid supplement. What’s your body telling you?

2) Evaluate your word-of-the-year really well before committing to it!

Last year my word was ‘clear’ and all I seemed to need to do was constantly clear my energy and space. I am sure when I chose that word, I meant to feel more ‘clear,’ it may be a coincidence, but you never know! I am considering the word ‘flow’ for this year, but now I’m kinda like, hmmm, will I have plumbing issues?

3) Consider a visual year in review

2021 was such a blur for so many reasons. I’d love to think all truth will be revealed and the dam of lies will break in 2022, but what I DO think is that 2021 was boot camp for what’s in store for us. I strongly believe that we have the power to change this.

4) Start a spiritual practice

Have you noticed it is more about the inward journey these days? Especially since the outside world has become so strange.

A regular spiritual practice will expand your inner light to support your inner knowing, and this helps to raise consciousness of the collective. Check out a new offering I am excited to share with you all this winter.

5) Claim (or re-claim) your truth…over and over

#4 will help with this one. When we are spiritually supported, it is easier to align to our truth and stay in alignment. I’ll be speaking my truth more and more – I’m being guided to do this. (And if it’s not resonating for you, there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom.)

There is SUCH a powerful narrative out there that has induced a massive hypnotic effect. Not liking it? Good. Now share your truth.

You know the quote, “Evil succeeds when good men do nothing.” Instead of ‘getting through this together’ we need to CHANGE THIS TOGETHER’? We don’t really have an alternative at this point.

By now, I hope you are at least questioning the ‘measures’ that are just aren’t adding up…(these measures will go on and on as long as people comply with them).

Ok – off my mini soap box and on to more fun things!

If you missed my Full Moon Healing event on Monday, you can visit here to purchase! ⁣

New Offering! 9 Rites of Enlightenment

I’ve been inspired to offer a workshop I loved facilitating in years past. 2022 feels like it will be high time to up level our consciousness in support of the collective. ✨

When I received these Rites several years ago, they not only catalyzed a quick spiritual leap but they helped me during a big time of transition, closing my downtown office and transitioning my work to be in more alignment with my heart. It was like I had wings lifting me through uncharted terrain.

The Munay-Ki are the initiation rites of the Q’ero shaman of the Peruvian Andes. Called the 9 Great Rites of Enlightenment, they are a series of nine energy transmissions to help heal our soul’s wounds by clearing and illuminating our luminous energy fields. These rites attune us to our divine nature, and are a powerful support for anyone on a spiritual path. The shamans say these rites are a path of fire and lightning to support us in seeing our true nature so we can live free from fear.

The rites will transform and upgrade your luminous energy field. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past—the karmic and genetic programs and beliefs you inherited.

You will receive: energetic protection, support from the group energy field, recordings and handouts to continue to attune yourself to these powerful energies.

Together we’ll meet on Zoom for 3 consecutive Sundays starting on February 20th. The investment will be $140, however, if you sign up by January 15th, it is only $120. Email me with any questions.
