The trees are about to show us how beautiful it is to let go.
As the weather gets cooler, it is normal to mourn the loss of long days in the warm sun at the beach or at the park.

How can we surrender from fun-loving Summer into pumpkin spice season? I have four ideas that may help ease your transition.

  1. Create a Power Spot This is a place in nature that you visit regularly, even daily when possible…go there with the intention of it being a place dedicated to your healing and wellness. When you visit it with intention and gratitude over time, you’ll be surprised at how it heals you.
  2. Make a Photo Book Scrolling back to your Summer photos and reminiscing on the good times is the quickest way to relive joy. Make a photo book of your favorite Summer memories or do a photo dump on Instagram (tag me!).
  3. Find a Fall Activity As daylight starts to get shorter and shorter, make an effort to stay mentally stimulated while indoors. It’s a good time to study or creatively express yourself.
  4. Refresh Your Menu The great thing about Fall is seeing new fruits and vegetables at the market. Revive your usual breakfast, lunch, dinner with new recipes! Here is some inspiration:
