I do my best healing and creative work while I’m on the go. There’s something powerful about being in a new landscape away from adult ‘to-do lists’ that inspires me to look at life differently.

The meditation retreat in Costa Rica stirred up a lot of big feelings related to my core abandonment wound. What I’ve noticed on retreat is that other attendees trigger you as if they were a family member – there’s a whole dynamic that plays out behind the scenes. Like a higher consciousness is conspiring on your behalf, pointing you in the direction of what’s needed next for your healing.

The funny thing is, the last time I sat with HE Menri Ponlob Rinpoche was in 2016 – on my first pilgrimage to India. On the heels of that experience, I ended up coming home and began the process of getting divorced. So, this most recent experience was just the soul medicine I needed to initiate the next level of personal empowerment.

A big learning from this recent experience has been to not judge my process. I went down the rabbit hole of researching and reading all about neglect, childhood PTSD, disorganized attachment – and while it was great to get a better understanding, it also sent me into the land of pathologizing and feeling pretty negative about my own internal landscape- ‘doubling my trouble’ so to speak.

A few things have re-centered me just in time to work a busy week inside the beltway:

  • Talking to friends (You may have guessed that I tend to be the ‘intense’ friend in my circle – the one who’s always healing something or clearing something and I hear a lot of ‘you do SO MUCH work!’ – yeah well, that’s why I’m here!)
  • Surrendering to God/Higher Consciousness, realizing that to be human is to carry trauma, so there’s really nothing ‘wrong’ with me, after all!
  • Knowing that with the right ingredients my body and spirit can fully heal itself – even when it comes to old childhood crap.
  • Sunlight meditations and asking the light to lift away old energy.
  • Listening to my sound healing recordings.

Now I am much more clear and ready to guide you towards stillness so your soul has space to speak. Check out my upcoming events – it’s always a gift to be with you!

This Sunday, July 21st is Our Full Moon Sound Healing

Our virtual sound healing feels like a gentle embrace as we connect to ourselves, each other, and receive deep healing from the glorious full moon. It happens this Sunday, July 21st at 7:30pm Eastern.

July is the Buck Moon, in honor of the new antlers that emerge on a deer buck’s forehead around this time (old antlers are shed and new ones grow each year). It is a symbolic time for you to feel grounded so you can hear and honor your soul’s calling. It may be time to join us.

It’s also the second Capricorn Full moon in a row! Whatever seeds you’ve been sowing or patterns you’ve been unraveling this summer have had a cumulative effect. Allow this month’s full moon to boost your process.


If Peru is on your bucket list, then you’ll want to save September 20 – 27, 2025 on your calendar so you can start planning a trip of a lifetime!

What to expect on this amazing adventure to Peru:

  • Guided shamanic journeys to access your power
  • Soak in a solar heated, floral bath under the stars
  • Eat lovingly prepared gourmet, farm-to-table cuisine
  • Learn sacred Incan cosmology at the very ancient ruins
  • Burn your fears in an Andean fire ceremony with an authentic Paqo (Peruvian Shaman)
  • Be supported by the sacred container of an allyu (community)

We will stay at Willka T’ika, Peru’s original wellness center nestled between Cusco and Machu Picchu. This luxurious sanctuary is known for their sacred chakra gardens, organic farm-to-table food, sightseeing and beautiful ceremonies. Check out the itinerary.

Curious about Peru? Book a retreat call!

It’s a gift to sit in circle with you so I hope to see you soon!
Dr. Marie

P.S. This could be you on Sunday night:

“I listened to the full moon journey recording today and really appreciated the self-care it provided; I experienced an awareness of my chi and healing energy going to my head where there has been a lot of trauma. In addition to the instruments, it’s so nice to hear your voice and guidance.” — RT
