My Unexpected Allergy Relief Miracle!

My Unexpected Allergy Relief Miracle!

Right when the sun is shining and the birds are singing, some of us want to isolate and turn inward. Grouchiness is not uncommon for many of us this time of year. Doesn’t apply to you? That’s great – there are many of us who need more time to adjust to the...
Menstrual Mayhem, a Sign to Restore Balance

Menstrual Mayhem, a Sign to Restore Balance

The last few weeks have been an unprecedented time in the field of women’s health.  Have you heard about all the women getting crazy periods? Women have been reporting extremely painful and debilitating periods, periods that are way off schedule, heavy periods...
’tis the season to love your liver!

’tis the season to love your liver!

Spring brings expansive energy- the days are brighter and longer and everything is in full bloom.  It can be an exhilarating time, but for many of us, it can also be a time of increased irritability and frustration (not to mention those allergies).  Why?  Because we...